Wild Interiors

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Wild Interiors kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
24,65 €
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Krátky popis
",We work with Hilton because he's both a plant stylist and an incredible plant-care wizard. Hilton doesn't just teach you how to get your plants to thrive - he teaches you how to bond with them.", Apartment TherapyBestselling author Hilton Carter brings his unique eye and love of plants to show you how to create luscious interiors that not only look amazing but are good for your well-being, too. Hilton first guides you through his own plant journey, his inspirations, and his top ten favourite house plants.He then takes you on a Journey in Greenery where he showcases the homes of 12 inspiring plant parents that demonstrate the versatility of decorating with plants. From a tiny house in Venice, California and a light-filled loft in New York City, to a Berlin apartment decorated with vintage finds, and the Barcelona home of a ceramic artist, there are ideas for all types of spaces and budgets. Hilton then sets you off on your very own plant journey, taking you room by room, profiling the plants that are most suited to each: those that thrive in the tropical humidity of bathrooms, the erratic heat changes of kitchens and plants that can live happily in the indirect light of an entryway or bedroom.Packed full of interior design advice such as using 'statement plants' like Fiddle-leaf figs to create a focal point, how to layer your greenery by using hanging baskets, and how to assemble the perfect plant shelf, Hilton shows you how bringing houseplants into your home creates instant impact. Be inspired to create your own Wild Interiors with Hilton's expert styling advice, plus his hints and tips on plant care that take the mystery out of looking after your green friends.

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