Wildflower Watercolour: Recognizing and Painting Nature
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An inspiring guide for learning to recognise and paint the beauty
of wild flowers and the untamed nature that surrounds us. The
author, Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir, apassionate watercolourist and
lover of nature, teaches you in this inspiringhow-to book how to
recognise and paint wildflowers that grow naturally infields and
meadows as you learn step-by step different watercolour
techniques.After a presentation of colour theory, the material
needed, the paper, waterand brush use, she takes readers on a walk
to discover these wild plants inwhat amounts to a creative journey
of playful and mindful observation andinterpretation. This book is
a valuable resource for artists at all levels,from beginner to more
advanced watercolour lovers, offering simple yetindispensable
advice to sharpen your artistic eye and improve your
skills.Gaëtane's creations exude delicacy and poetry, the fragile
elegance of a poppy,a rose hip flower or the simplicity of
grass.Her approach to flowers is also acelebration of the untamed
botanical world that surrounds us, inviting us toobserve the
intricacies of stems, graceful blooms, and the wonders of berries
andseeds carried by the wind. She encourages us to understand and
be able tocollect, classify and depict wildflowers also in
simplified versions whichcatch their essence. In addition to
encouraging us to engage in a morecontemplative kind of painting
and to respect the colourful flowers of thefield, the book invites
us to be amazed at the berries' and flowers' potentialas medicine,
dye and food.The book includes a step-by-step study of 20 plantsand
5 detailed projects for creating floral compositions, in addition
tospecific techniques and tips for outdoor painting. Gaëtane
encourages us toembrace the beauty of wildflowers and to learn to
watch your watercolours cometo life and grow with kindness and
grace, mirroring the nurturing process of agrowing plant and
instilling your creations a romantic mood and wild poetry. AUTHOR:
Gaëtane Nicoulin-Béchir grew up in a verdant region of northwestern
Switzerland.She spent her childhood in the fields braiding wreaths
of flowers and arranging bouquets of beautiful wildflowers. Her
grandmother and, later, her mother would gather the flowers and use
them to make remedies or delicious aromatic recipes. Gaëtane, a
chemistry laboratory specialist, has always remained connected to
nature, and watercolour has become a means of telling her
story.Painting this facet of the natural wilderness is a way for
her to reveal its fragile and poetic beauty, to show how it
deserves to be observed and preserved. Gaëtane has enjoyed sharing
her technical and creative knowledge for several years now,
learning to sharpen her vision in classes and workshops. To
communicate to an even wider audience the poetry as well as the
peace of mind that the practice of watercolour provides.