Yellowstone: The Official Dutton Ranch Family Cookbook

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Yellowstone: The Official Dutton Ranch Family Cookbook kúpite na
31,83 €
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Re-create recipes with Yellowstone: The Official Dutton Ranch Family Cookbook, featuring delicious dishes from the hit series as prepared by real-life chef and character ",Gator.",Whether it's a hearty breakfast of Rip's Fry Bread with Scrambled Eggs and Bacon (his favourite dish handed down by his mother), a quick week-night dinner with Beth's Cheesy Hamburger Mac Casserole (no box needed), or a pick-me-up with Beth's ",Two Scoops of Ice Cream, Three Shots of Vodka", Smoothie, Yellowstone: The Official Dutton Ranch Family Cookbook compiles over 55 recipes inspired by and featured in the critically acclaimed hit series. Gabriel ",Gator", Guilbeau-a real-life chef and the set caterer for Yellowstone and fan-favourite character on the show-shares his hearty and delicious recipes from the Dutton Ranch. Learn Gator's secrets to making a perfectly smoked pulled pork (a ranch hand staple), an authentic gumbo, and flawlessly fluffy biscuits.Whether you're hosting a Yellowstone viewing party or serving up a comforting homestyle meal, wrangle up your ingredients and bring the exciting world of Yellowstone into your kitchen.

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