You Will Get Through This Night

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13,25 €
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Krátky popis
A practical guide to taking control of your mental health for today, tomorrow, and the days after, from the Sunday Times bestselling author and beloved entertainer ‘There’s a moment at the end of every day, where the world falls away and you are left alone with your thoughts. A reckoning, when the things you have been pushing to the background, come forward and demand your attention.’ Written by Daniel Howell, in consultation with a qualified psychologist, this is an entertaining and personal book to help you from the perspective of someone who has been through it all. This no-nonsense book gives you the tools to understand your mind so you can be in control and really live.Split into three chapters for each stage of the journey: This Night – how to get through your toughest moments and be prepared to face anything. Tomorrow – small steps to change your thoughts and actions with a big impact on your life. The Days After – help to look after yourself in the long term and not just survive, but thrive.You will laugh and learn – but most of all, this book will assure you that even in your darkest times, there is always hope. You will get through this night.

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