Young Blood (An Umbrella Academy YA Novel)

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Young Blood (An Umbrella Academy YA Novel) kúpite na
18,00 €
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The official prequel novel to the hit Umbrella Academy series on Netflix, starring a teenaged Umbrella Academy in an original, darkly comic adventure written by New York Times bestselling author Alyssa Sheinmel. The Umbrella Academy has always been extraordinary—ready to leap to superpowered action at a moment’s notice. But now that Five has disappeared and their fame has crested, sometimes the only thing Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Ben, and Viktor want is to be normal.. . which is much easier said than done, when you’re raised by someone like Hargreeves.For their exacting and tyrannical father figure, nothing is ever enough, which is why, during a dinnertime debriefing on their latest mission, Ben snaps, prompting Klaus to suggest that they all need a change of scenery—just one night of partying like a bunch of average teens. In fact, Klaus knows just the place, there’s a frat house in a neighboring college town that throws weekend blowouts. What could go wrong? They soon realize sneaking out of Hargreeves’s house—er, fortress—is the least of their concerns.When the six teens pledge not to use their powers under any circumstances, they fail to factor in the sheer force of teen drama. Faced with weird earthquakes, weirder partygoers, and a possible new foe, the Umbrella Academy must choose between the night they always dreamed of and an unexpected mission that may save the world and—finally—secure Hargreeves’s approval.
Výber kníh autorov Amulet Books , Alyssa Sheinmel

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