Your Unconscious Is Showing

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20,85 €
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A groundbreaking guide showing us how being ",out of control", (and admitting it) is the first step to living a truly better, more meaningful life. Raise your hand if you've ever wanted to ",self-improve", but, for some reason, you just can't follow through. Turns out, the issue isn't a lack of willpower.For centuries, we've been fed a common perspective: Explore your subconscious mind, heal your trauma, fit into your society, and happiness will follow, right? Wrong. Dr. Courtney Tracy, also known as ",The Truth Doctor,", disrupts this outdated narrative through digestible scientific research, shockingly honest personal stories, and compassionate-yet-direct advice.Feeling out of control and helpless isn't a flaw but a universal truth of our existence. Instead of trying to change how we work as human beings (spoiler alert: you can't, ) we need to embrace and make peace with our unconscious, making it work for and alongside us instead of against. Half psychology textbook written by your best friend (who's also a therapist), half comprehensive guide brimming with actionable insights for engaging with our unconscious positively and productively, Your Unconscious Is Showing is here to help us accept what we can't control, courageously change what we can, and wisely know the difference.
Výber kníh autorov John Murray One , Dr. Courtney Tracy

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora John Murray One, Dr. Courtney Tracy
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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