Ze French Do it Better

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Ze French Do it Better kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
23,70 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Eternally slim, natural beauties, with well-behaved children and perfect soufflés--how do the French do it? Steal all their tricks (without becoming a snob!) with this humorous lifestyle guide. In all areas--from fashion to cuisine to the art of seduction--the French reign supreme in their ability to enjoy life to the fullest. So why do we love to hate the French, yet still covet their singular joie de vivre? A duo of saavy authors breaks it down for readers by dividing the French populace into relatable ",tribes",--each of which offer keys to a life well-lead. To demystify the French enigma, each chapter opens with a short quiz to help readers determine their level of kinship with that particular tribe: Classic Frog, AristoChic, Vintage Bourgeois, Modern Bourgeois, Intellectual, Feel-Good Bohemian, or Foodie. With tongue-in-cheek humor, the authors divulge the enviable Gallic secrets so that readers can integrate elements of an iconic French wardrobe, infallible recipes, life-enhancing rituals, cult products, and personal style tips into their daily routine. Offering insight with verve and wit, this book is replete with facts and practical tips for assimilating the best of what France has to offer. The volume is completed by a guide to the best addresses in France and online for quintessentially French inspiration.
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Naše tipy

Nové vydanie románu 1984 - jedného z najznámejších diel svetovej literatúry. Spája v sebe prvky spoločensko-politického a vedecko-fantastického románu. Je obžalobou komunistickej diktatúry, ktorá roku 1984 ovládla všetko, vrátane ľudského myslenia. Román opisuje osudy čestného, citlivého a uvažujúceho jednotlivca (Winstona Smitha), ktorý sa vzoprie systému, za čo platí krutú daň. George Orwell touto knihou už roku 1948 ponúkol víziu, ktorá sa neskôr stala realitou.