'A fine and deeply affecting work of history and memoir' Philippe
SandsDecades ago, the historian Bernard Wasserstein set out to
uncover the hidden past of the town forty miles west of Lviv where
his family originated: Krakowiec (Krah-KOV-yets). In this book he
recounts its dramatic and traumatic history. 'I want to observe and
understand how some of the great forces that determined the shape
of our times affected ordinary people.' The result is an
exceptional, often moving book.Wasserstein traces the arc of
history across centuries of religious and political conflict, as
armies of Cossacks, Turks, Swedes, and Muscovites rampaged through
the region.In the age of enlightenment, the Polish magnate Ignacy
Cetner built his palace at Krakowiec and, with his vivacious
daughter, Princess Anna, created an arcadia of refinement and
serenity. Under the Habsburg emperors after 1772, Krakowiec
developed into a typical shtetl, with a jostling population of
Poles, Ukrainians, and Jews.In 1914, disaster struck. 'Seven years
of terror and carnage' left a legacy of ferocious national
antagonisms.During the Second World War the Jews were murdered in
circumstances harrowingly described by Wasserstein. After the war
the Poles were expelled and the town dwindled into a border
outpost. Today, the storm of history once again flows through
Krakowiec as hordes of refugees flee for their lives from Ukraine
to Poland.At the beginning and end of the book we encounter
Wasserstein's own family, especially his grandfather Berl.In their
lives and the many others Wasserstein has rediscovered, the people
of Krakowiec become a prism through which we can feel the shocking
immediacy of history. Original in conception and brilliantly
achieved, Krakowiec is a masterpiece of recovery and insight.
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