A World Full of Winter Stories

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A World Full of Winter Stories kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,95 €
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Get ready for winter with this treasury of 50 frosty stories from around the globe. &,nbsp, Curl up beside the fire and uncover stories from all over the world with this rich resource of wintery folk tales, myths and legends. Featuring stories of Norse gods, hibernating bears, Christmas feasts and wicked witches, there is something for everyone in this collection of winter inspired stories.The perfect anthology for Christmas, or any time you want to uncover chilly tales from lands near and far. &,nbsp, Collected and retold by award-winning author Angela McAllister, with enchanting illustrations by Olga Baumert, this is an anthology to be read when the weather turns colder and the nights draw in. Stories include: The Spider and the Christmas Tree (Ukraine) Mother Holle (Germany) Shingebiss (Ojibwe, North America) The First Rabbits (Japan) The Girl and the Winter Whirlwinds (Bulgaria) The First Evergreens (Mongolia) The Snow Man (Denmark) Why the Bear Sleeps All Winter (North America) The Wind, the Clouds and the Snow (China) &,nbsp,The World Full of… series is a collection of beautiful hardback story treasuries.Discover folktales from all around the world or be introduced to some of the world’s best-loved writers with these stunning gift books, the perfect addition to any child’s library. &,nbsp, Also available from the series: A Year Full of Stories, A World Full of Animal Stories, A Stage Full of Shakespeare Stories, A World Full of Dickens Stories, A Year Full of Celebrations and Festivals, A Bedtime Full of Stories and A World Full of Spooky Stories.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Angela McAllister, Quarto Publishing PLC
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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