Banksy Wisdom

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Banksy Wisdom kúpite na
20,85 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Dive into the world of Banksy with this exclusive card deck. With the iconic works of the elusive artist, along with a booklet full of interpretations and background information, Banksy Wisdom reveals meanings behind the artist’s graffiti. It’s a journey through urban art like never before!Like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, Banksy’s graffiti artwork communicates complex messages through iconic imagery.Banksy’s work invites those who come across it in the world to reflect—on current events, on one’s role in society—to observe reality with a critical eye, to ask questions about themselves and others. With that, this card deck and booklet offer 40 fun, relevant, and modern symbols with which readers can contemplate the messages and meanings of Banksy’s work. Each card will include one of the artist's most iconic works and an inspirational message.The companion booklet will contain a more in-depth description of the message and an art-historical contextualization of the work.&,nbsp,Banksy Wisdom offers readers the opportunity to ask about the larger and more nuanced questions about life, and our place in it.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Andrews McMeel Publishing, Giulia Manzi, Sabina De Gregori
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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