Cloud Nine

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Cloud Nine kúpite na
12,30 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
&,nbsp, A hilarious, heartfelt supernatural YA rom-com in which a would-be guardian angel falls in love with a living boy – perfect for fans of The Good Place, Afterlove and The Dead Romantics. Sixteen-year-old Evangeline has been dead for decades. Her accidentally heroic demise secured her a spot on Cloud Nine, the luxurious top tier of the Afterlife - but it turns out that even paradise can get boring.After a century of terminal niceness, Evvy volunteers to train as a celestial guide. Now it's her job to watch over people during their final hours on earth, ensuring they don't screw up their chances of a decent Afterlife. Evvy isn't averse to bending the rules, and she always gets results - until she makes the fatal mistake of falling for a living boy.Why can Tom see Evvy when he's not scheduled to depart yet? And how can she make this work when he's alive, she's dead, and fraternising with Beforelifers is absolutely forbidden? Suddenly, Evvy is facing the biggest challenge of her Afterlife... A fresh, original and funny novel from the author of Totally Deceased - like You've Reached Sam or Afterlove, but with the humour of The Good Place and the Barbie movie. Ideal for fans of Gabrielle Zevin's Elsewhere and The Love of my Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood.A heartfelt romance spanning life and death, with a relatable contemporary world, an imagined afterlife and an unforgettable cast of characters from across history.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Cloud Nine je 12,30 €

Výber kníh autorov Scholastic , Cunningham Sue H.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Scholastic, Cunningham Sue H.
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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