The one-stop handbook on landscape architecture in a revised
edition ",Constructing Landscape", is a systematic introduction to
technical and constructional open space planning, with all the
relevant topics, from the most common materials and surfaces to the
construction of open space elements and the use of plants. For
landscape architects and architects it is an indispensable guide to
correct and professional execution planning as well as to preparing
solid and well-thought-out requests for proposal. ",Constructing
Landscape", is divided into two sections, Materials and Surfaces,
and Building Construction and Building Elements. The first section
provides an overview of the various building materials of landscape
architecture and their specific characteristics. It also explains
the qualities of surfaces and the different approaches to treating
them. The second section begins with an introductory chapter
explaining the principles of statics, the connections of
load-bearing elements, and the various approaches to anchoring
building components and supporting structures. The subsequent
chapters use drawings and text to present the constructional
principles and techniques associated with the various building
elements. Each chapter concludes with a collection of sample
projects, illustrated with photographs and technical drawings.
Kuchárska kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, uzrela svetlo sveta v roku
1914. Bola prvá svojho druhu na Slovensku a zostavila ju
spisovateľka a etnografka Terézia Vansová (1857 - 1942).
Predstavila v nej vyše 900 receptov slovenských gazdiniek z prelomu
19. a 20. storočia. Odvtedy vyšla táto mimoriadna kniha v
niekoľkých vydaniach, naposledy v r. 1998. Teraz vám ju opäť
ponúkame v podobe, v akej ju v roku 1930 vydal nakladateľ a
kníhkupec F. Klimeš v Liptovskom sv. Mikuláši. Tak ako majú svoju
nezameniteľnú chuť a vôňu tradičné slovenské jedlá, má svoj pôvab
aj náš materinský jazyk spred desaťročí. Mnohé jedlá z čias našich
prastarých materí sa na Slovensku pripravujú dodnes, no písomná
podoba vtedajšej slovenčiny už nenávratne patrí minulosti.
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