Wood and Wood Joints

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Wood and Wood Joints kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
69,34 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Building with wood as an ecologically viable material is a tradition with a long history. The timber architecture, which has ensued over the past centuries, reveals to the modern observer the depth of knowledge which has enabled both Eastern und Western cultures to use this wonderful material in such a creative way. In the most typical method of building with wood, elements are connected by using wood joints which do not require the assistance of adhesives or metal connectors.This art of wood jointing reached its zenith in Japan, but Europe too provided its share of highly influential forms. By looking at several hundred examples from Japan and 18 European countries, with a new chapter on China added to this enlarged edition, this book de-scribes in great detail the history of timber architecture in terms of its technical, aesthetic and ecological dimensions. This thorough study is a mine of information to specialists in this field, it opens up to the craftsman of today what has become an almost forgotten world and provides a fascinating account for the general reader. With a Foreword by Valerio Olgiati.",Here is a man who has trekked though the wild Carpathian forests, the Norwegian outback, the Russian steppes and obscure regions of Japan in pursuit of the wood joint. He tells the story with a sense of unfolding discovery, for anyone interested in how buildings work this book is a joy to read", --the architects' journal
Výber kníh autorov Klaus Zwerger , Birkhäuser

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Klaus Zwerger, Birkhäuser
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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Kuchárska kniha, ktorú držíte v rukách, uzrela svetlo sveta v roku 1914. Bola prvá svojho druhu na Slovensku a zostavila ju spisovateľka a etnografka Terézia Vansová (1857 - 1942). Predstavila v nej vyše 900 receptov slovenských gazdiniek z prelomu 19. a 20. storočia. Odvtedy vyšla táto mimoriadna kniha v niekoľkých vydaniach, naposledy v r. 1998. Teraz vám ju opäť ponúkame v podobe, v akej ju v roku 1930 vydal nakladateľ a kníhkupec F. Klimeš v Liptovskom sv. Mikuláši. Tak ako majú svoju nezameniteľnú chuť a vôňu tradičné slovenské jedlá, má svoj pôvab aj náš materinský jazyk spred desaťročí. Mnohé jedlá z čias našich prastarých materí sa na Slovensku pripravujú dodnes, no písomná podoba vtedajšej slovenčiny už nenávratne patrí minulosti. Vychutnajte si ju spolu s jedlami z tejto jedinečnej knihy.