Insiders and Company : The New Artisans of Interior Design

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At the intersection of interior design, quality craftsmanship, and passion, this book presents exciting and thoughtful homeware--and the people who design them. Was everything better in the good ole days? It's a widespread fallacy, at least when it comes to the crafts. These days, more and more people are on the hunt for high-quality furniture, including custom kitchens, carpets, curtains, and appliances with a sense of history and personality. The need for manufacturers and craftsmen is undergoing a renaissance with an emphasis on quality over quantity. Craft a Home shows how designers and architects stage a space with an eye for something special: using traditional processes and modern materials and technology, they create furniture, accessories, and fixtures that redefine the standard with a nod to the past. Who specializes in marble inlays, and who is the go-to for a bespoke stool--and where can we find these top-dollar designs? Craft a Home brings order into a world of value, celebrating the best in the business for every facet of design.
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Výber kníh vydavateľa Die Gestalten Verlag

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