iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera Mastering - Nino James

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iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera Mastering - Nino James kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
9,27 €
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This book does more than just teach you how to take crisp, clear, and beautiful portraits, pano, or any other fanciful way you may want to take your pictures; it also introduces you to some advanced manual camera settings that few people are aware are available on the iPhone 14 Pro Max.So, if you are out to take pictures for your modeling shoot, real estate business, blogging, or just for social media posting, this book will show how to use features like ProRes, QuickTake, Slo-Mo, and other sleek features that can make you stand out among your peers.In this book, you will learn:• How to implement fanciful filters on your iPhone• How to share your pictures with your colleagues or loved ones• Learn what depth control is and how it can enhance your photos• Learn how to use Action mode, Slo-Mo Videos, and QuickTake• And lots moreSo, if you're ready to get started with QuickBooks Online, scroll up and click the Buy Now Button to get your copy right away!iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera MasteringThe iPhone camera has so many hidden features and tricks that you probably don’t know about and only a book like this can help to expose those hidden features.If you got the iPhone 14 Pro Max mostly so that you could take advantage of its advanced camera capabilities and start taking pictures like a Pro with your new iPhone 14 Pro Max, then this book is for you.Very often the manuals and user guides that accompany devices tend to be basic on providing the best tricks and tips required to get the best from such devices which is why this book was written to help you get the most out of your iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera app.The iPhone 14 Pro Max includes standard and complex smartphone photography and videography features that may not be obvious to the user on first use unless you happen upon them by accident or read a good book like this one.This book does more than just teach you how to take crisp, clear, and beautiful portraits, pano, or any other fanciful way you may want to take your pictures; it also introduces you to some advanced manual camera settings that few people are aware are available on the iPhone 14 Pro Max.So, if you are out to take pictures for your modeling shoot, real estate business, blogging, or just for social media posting, this book will show how to use features like ProRes, QuickTake, Slo-Mo, and other sleek features that can make you stand out among your peers.In this book, you will learn:• How to implement fanciful filters on your iPhone• How to share your pictures with your colleagues or loved ones• Learn what depth control is and how it can enhance your photos• Learn how to use Action mode, Slo-Mo Videos, and QuickTake• The new location of iPhone functions available on previous iPhone versions• How to record videos of notable events• And lots moreAnd the good part is, it does not matter if this is the first time you are using an iPhone, this user guide will show you how to get started in no time. There will also be a gift for anyone who goes ahead to purchase this book.So, if you're ready to get started with QuickBooks Online, scroll up and click the Buy Now Button to get your copy right away!
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