Following the premature death of her parents, 19-year-old Dee
Hewson puts her college plans on hold to go travelling with her
boyfriend, Neil. All goes well until they reach Las Vegas, where
Neil develops a dangerous addiction to gambling. After two years of
their rootless, nomadic existence, Dee awakes to find Neil gone,
along with her credit cards, the diamond ring he'd bought her in
San Francisco and her father's watch. Devastated, Dee returns to
the family home in Dublin to pick up the pieces of her old life.
Still in shock at what happened, the discovery that she's also
pregnant is the icing on the cake. But baby Sam turns out to be the
one positive thing to come out of Dee's relationship with Neil.
After trying and failing at a number of part-time jobs, Dee
discovers a talent for cooking and eventually sets up her own
catering business, finally daring to find love again with the
steadfast Conor Fitzgerald. But the publicity generated by her
success has an unwelcome side-effect: the return of the feckless
Neil. Amazed and delighted to discover he's a father, Neil wants to
be a part of Sam's life. Dee feels she has no choice but to agree.
Surely having his dad in his life can only be a good thing for Sam.
Or can it?
Unesené dieťa, zúfalý otec a jeho pekelný výlet do útrob
psychiatrie, aby sa dozvedel priamo od vraha, čo sa stalo s jeho
dieťaťom. Osvedčený a vynikajúci Fitzek vezme čitateľa na
dobrodružnú cestu, kde mu na každom kilometri vyrazí dych nečakané
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