Une douce romance contemporaine de vacances avec des éléments
paranormaux mineurs.Josephine Locke has always been unlucky in
love, in life, and definitely in finances. On the cusp of eviction
and newly unemployed, she inherits a bookstore in the sleepy little
town of Little Comfort, Massachusetts in the wake of her aunt`s
death. However, strange occurrences in the store make her wonder if
her aunt`s ghost is trying to send her a message. But ghosts aren`t
real…right? Brett Jacobs fills his lonely nights by working as a
bartender. He`s instantly drawn to Jo when she arrives in town a
week before Christmas, even though she doesn`t notice him—at first.
When troubling events take place, his need to protect her becomes
equally as strong as his desire to kiss her. But she doesn`t seem
to want either from him. As Christmas approaches, their attraction
for each other becomes impossible to ignore, and the lure of the
holiday festivities and a kiss under the mistletoe might very well
bring them together. Will danger lurking in their midst keep them
apart? They may just need a Christmas miracle.
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