Kong Hongjun has lived his whole life in the mystical Taihang
Mountains, a haven for yao, spirits with powerful magical
abilities. A half-yao himself, he knows little of the human world
until the day the ruler of the mountain instructs him to conceal
his identity and descend to the mortal realm. There, he is to join
the Great Tang Exorcism Department in the ancient capital of
Chang'an. Upon arrival, Hongjun finds himself under the command of
Li Jinglong, a down-on-his-luck general with no magic of his own.
Along with his fellow exorcists, a group of enigmatic young men
with uncanny abilities, Hongjun and Li Jinglong must work together
to protect Chang'an from the evil yao that lurk in its darkest
corners. But greater machinations are afoot in the capital - and in
order to confront them, Hongjun will have to reveal all of himself
to Li Jinglong. This limited Special Edition contains the Standard
Edition, but with bonus merchandise shrinkwrapped to the book: a
double-sided bookmark, a lined notebook, a set of 5 trading cards,
and a sticker sheet. Don't miss the new art from guest artists
included in this special merch!
Unesené dieťa, zúfalý otec a jeho pekelný výlet do útrob
psychiatrie, aby sa dozvedel priamo od vraha, čo sa stalo s jeho
dieťaťom. Osvedčený a vynikajúci Fitzek vezme čitateľa na
dobrodružnú cestu, kde mu na každom kilometri vyrazí dych nečakané
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