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Numbermania kúpite na
15,15 €
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Krátky popis
'An entertaining and thought-provoking antidote to the tyranny of numbers in the modern world.' -Alex Bellos, author of Can You Solve My Problems?'A smart and insightful read that will totally change the way you think - and live.'-Thomas Erikson, author of Sunday Times bestseller Surrounded By Idiots'Written in lucid, skillfully translated prose that puts the science into philosophical perspective, this shines a fascinating light on the modern-day obsession with numerical quantity over quality.' -Publishers Weekly'In 31,234 words Dahlen and Thorbjornsen cast their four critical, and at times whimsical, eyes at our numbered existences revealing that consuming too much 'pi' might be bad for our health.' -Professor Scott Page, author of The Model ThinkerHow many steps have you done today?How many emails answered?How much money have you spent this week And how many hours have you slept?Welcome to the numberdemic, where a deluge of figures, stats and data manipulate your every move. From the way you work, date and exercise to the products you buy and the news you read, numbers have worked their way into every part of our lives. But is life better this way? How are all of those numbers affecting us?With fascinating, sometimes frightening and sometimes shrewdly funny research, behavioural economists Micael Dahlen and Helge Thorbjornsen explain why we're so attached to numbers and how we can free ourselves from their tyranny.Along the way, you'll learn why viral videos, however inaccurate, become more convincing with every view, how numbers can affect the way we physically age, if we let them, why the more films you rate the less impressive you'll find them and how numbers that 'anchor' themselves in your brain can affect the size of your mortgage - plus much more. Sharp, insightful and totally engaging, NUMBERMANIA is your vaccination against a world obsessed with numbers.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Monoray, Micael Dahlen, Helge Thorbjornsen
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek mágie, kde vládne krutý kráľ, je na kráľovský dvor povolaná najnebezpečnejšia nájomná vrahyňa. Prichádza, aby získala späť svoju slobodu, nie aby zabila kráľa. Ak v turnaji porazí dvadsaťtri nájomných vrahov, zlodejov a žoldnierov, prepustia ju z väzenia a po štvorročnej službe ako kráľova šampiónka získa späť svoju slobodu. Jej meno je Celaena Sardothien. Korunný princ si Celaenu na túto úlohu najal a je jej jediným spojencom. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy je zas jej pravým ochrancom. V komnatách a chodbách Zámku zo skla sa však schováva niečo oveľa nebezpečnejšie... A keď začne Celaeniných protivníkov niekto po jednom likvidovať, jej zápas o slobodu sa mení na boj o holé prežitie. Tajomný nepriateľ sa totiž neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.