Richard Rogers is head of an internationally respected
architectural practice responsible for many landmark buildings
around the world and well-known for the quality of its work and its
expertise in urban planning. This third volume of the Complete
Works looks at the most recent projects by the Richard Rogers
Partnership - the period from 1994 to 2004 - and discusses in
detail many of the innovative and often hi-tech schemes for which
the practice has become renowned. Including over 48 projects, this
book features the realized and unrealized projects of the last ten
years, such as Greenwich Peninsula and the Millennium Dome, London,
a school near Kyoto, the transformation of a Barcelona bullring
into a major entertainment complex, masterplans for Wembley,
London, and Lisbon, Madrid Airport and London Heathrow's Terminal
5, as well as a new library for Birmingham and London's first
Maggie's Centre. The book is prefaced with a general introduction
to the office, which brings the story of the practice up to date.
The second key essay examines the impact of Richard Rogers in the
political arena, particularly his chairmanship of the Urban Task
Force and his work as adviser on architecture and urbanism to the
mayors of London and Barcelona. The final essay discusses the
continuing growth of the practice both at home and abroad and the
impact of a new generation of talent rising to the fore.
Na oddelení vrážd v Našom Meste panuje dobrá nálada, ktorú ukončí
telefonát ich nadriadeného, ktorý pre nich má nový prípad. V centre
mesta, v priechode starého domu, našli smetiari mŕtvolu muža. Prvé
zistenie je šokujúce. Jedná sa iba o chlapca, ktorý má na tele
stopy po krutom mučení. Detektívi si myslia, že to môže byť Peter,
ktorý je nezvestný už päť dní. Alebo našli mŕtvolu niekoho iného?
Detektívi Richard Krauz a Jozef Fischer prezývaný Chosé netušia, do
čoho sa to zaplietli. Na mieste činu je priveľa krvi, dokonca je
rozliata na nevšedných miestach. Detektívi majú dvoch podozrivých.
Rozmaznanú a zbohatlícku Zdenu, ktorá klame už od začiatku
vyšetrovania a jej manžela, bývalého boxera. Otázne je, či by
dokázal spáchať tak ohavnú vraždu.
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