Discover the groundbreaking Korean YA thriller, for fans of Squid
Game, Black Mirror and The Hunger Games!WHEN YOU'RE INSIDE, THE
WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING . . .Raised in a climate-ravaged, frozen
world, every day is a struggle for survival for Chobahm. Her only
solace comes in the form of twenty-four-hour reality television
shows, streamed directly from Snowglobe - the climate-controlled
domed city at the heart of her world, and the only warm place left
on the planet.The citizens of Snowglobe have everything: fame,
fortune and, above all, safety from the frigid wasteland outside
their walls. In exchange, their lives are broadcast to the less
fortunate of their world, who watch eagerly, hoping for the chance
to one day become an actor themselves and join their ranks.Chobahm
is one of the dreamers. But her life changes in an instant when she
is visited by two strangers from Snowglobe, who deliver
earth-shattering news: Goh Haeri, Snowglobe's biggest star has died
- and because of Chobahm's striking resemblance to her, she's been
chosen to take her place.Given the chance of a lifetime, Chobahm
agrees to enter Snowglobe and take on Haeri's identity. Within the
domed city's walls, she will finally have the existence she's
always dreamed of - but if life in Snowglobe is so great, why did
Haeri seem so desperate to escape it? And when everyone around you
is a performer, how can you ever know what is reality, and what is
created for the audience . . . ?Published in English for the first
time from its original Korean, the critically-acclaimed Snowglobe
is a page-turning thriller with twists around every corner.
Štvrté pokračovanie najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo
skla. Prečítaj a podľahni – séria Trón zo skla je aj tvoja nová
závislosť. Celaena sa vracia do nenávideného impéria. Aby sa
pomstila. Aby zachránila svoje kedysi mocné kráľovstvo a postavila
sa zoči-voči tieňom z minulosti. Odkedy akceptovala svoje férske
dedičstvo, už nie je najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien. Teraz je Aelin Galathynius, dedička terrasenského
kráľovského trónu. No kým sa zmocní trónu, musí bojovať. Za svojho
bratranca - bojovníka ochotného za ňu položiť vlastný život. Za
svojho priateľa - mladíka spútaného v temnom väzení. A za svoj ľud
zotročený surovým kráľom, za ľud očakávajúci návrat kráľovnej.
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