From the No 1 Sunday Times bestselling author of the Crossfire saga
comes the beginning of a twisty tale of obsession and fury, as a
trinity of women protect what they covet at any cost. THE SUNDAY
TIMES BESTSELLER 'Dangerous and sultry . .. domestic suspense at
its sexiest' SAMANTHA DOWNING 'A gripping pageturner' GLAMOUR
UK'Absolutely cannot wait for the next one in the series. So many
twists and turns .. . I was constantly delighted by each chapter'
5* READER REVIEW'Powerful .. . I'm obsessed! Why can't the rest of
the series be available immediately?' 5* READER REVIEWYou can't
believe all of them .. . But can you trust any of
them?___________Widower Kane Black has never got over the death of
his wife, Lily.Until he sees a woman with her inimitable beauty on
Manhattan's streets, and whisks her up to his towering penthouse.
But not everyone is ready to accept Lily's return. Aliyah, Kane's
mother, thinks that ",Lily", exerts dangerous control, and there is
only room in this family for one queen.While Kane's sister-in-law,
Amy, has been hurt in the past, and now is out for revenge. Three
women, linked by buried secrets, circle the man who so willingly
accepts the return of his dead wife. But Kane is happier than he
has ever been, and will do anything to keep it that
way.___________A lushly gothic novel of domestic suspense, So Close
is an emotionally intense and addictive story of love, greed and
ambition from multimillion-copy international bestseller Sylvia
Day. 'You will GOBBLE IT up . .. Take the plunge into the rip
current because it is about consume you and leave you gasping till
October 2023 for the next instalment' 5***** READER REVIEW 'This
instantly had me intrigued. You can't stop reading.That ending!! My
goodness, I'm so ready for the next book' 5***** READER REVIEW
Tretí diel najúspešnejšej fantasy série súčasnosti Trón zo skla v
hlavnej úlohe s najobávanejšou nájomnou vrahyňou Celaenou
Sardothien!Celaena sa už vysporiadala s nebezpečnými protivníkmi i
so srdcom rozlámaným na márne kúsky. Teraz myslí len na pomstu, no
ako kráľova šampiónka musí slúžiť podlému tyranovi, ktorý má všetko
na svedomí. Kapitán kráľovskej gardy ju však vyšle do Wendlynu
netušiac, že Celaenina minulosť aj budúcnosť sa skrýva práve v
ďalekom kráľovstve férov. Pomoc férskej kráľovnej má však privysokú
cenu... Kým Celaena vo Wendlyne bojuje s démonmi minulosti, v
Erilei sa na útok pripravujú nebezpečné sily. Chaol a Dorian sa
púšťajú do boja s temnotou, akú nečakali ani v najhorších nočných
morách. Obávané bosorky sa totiž spolčili s tyranským kráľom a
krvilačná Manon sa nezastaví, kým pred ňou nebude celá Erilea
kľačať na kolenách. Ak dokáže Celaena prekonať samú seba, stane sa
najväčšou hrozbou pre kráľa a jeho zem – ale aj pre seba.
Nenechajte si ujsť najpopulárnejšiu fantasy sériu súčasnosti: Trón
zo skla, Koruna z temnoty, Zrodená z ohňa... a nezabudnite na štyri
exkluzívne novely k sérii Trón zo skla!
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