Talk About Contemporary Garden

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Talk About Contemporary Garden kúpite na
23,28 €
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Krátky popis
A complete introduction to contemporary gardens, from new innovations, practices, and materials, to the notable designers and their signature creations, to a glossary of key terms. This volume introduces the most important trends and issues in gardening today, defines what constitutes a contemporary garden, and examines the latest innovations, practices, and approaches that have contributed to its development. Talk About Contemporary Gardens makes it easy for novice gardeners to identify different gardening styles and place them in historical context, from the wasteland redevelopments of Simone Kroll, to contemporary Japanese landscaping that embodies the spirit of Zen, to the natural feather gardens of Sylvie and Patrick Quibel. Since the art of landscaping is tied to nature and the elements, a chapter on the relationship between gardening and the seasons looks at the life cycles of plants, the importance of light, rain, and the seasons, and how gardens behave when the sun goes down. The book demonstrates the relationship between landscape gardening and contemporary art, architecture, design, and urbanism, examining the rich influences that tie them all together. From Brancusis sculpture-filled spaces, to Gaudis natural curves and buildings, the text and illustrations highlight how these practices inform each other in the modern world. Entirely pink gardens, the sweet perfume of Arabian jasmine, the tang of lemons and the gentle tinkling of fountains in the Imaginary garden: this book offers readers a sensory journey to some of the worlds most exotic gardens. A list of international gardens to visit, biographies of thirty great landscapers and their signature gardens, a list of key words, and a glossary complete the volume.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Flammarion, Elisabeth Couturier, Chantal Colleu-Dumond
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Slovart
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Príprava do prímy - matematika - pracovný zošit
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