The Black Book

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62,65 €
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",Black isn't a colour",? In the world of coveted fashion brands, it certainly is, and one of the most crucial at that. That's why authors Heide Christiansen and Martin Fraas have dedicated the second installment of their Fashion, Styles &,amp, Stories series to the theme of black. In The Black Book: Fashion, Styles &,amp, Stories, they showcase how expressive and powerful this colour can be in the context of fashion.Black caresses, exudes elegance, and simultaneously embodies rebellion. The black sheath dress harmoniously coexists with the black biker jacket, demonstrating the versatility of this colour. Through captivating fashion photographs straight from the runways of top designers, Christiansen and Fraas explore various shades of the black look, providing readers with intriguing background stories.They present black as the underlying theme in haute couture, high fashion, and street style. Diversity and inspiration take centre stage in this coffee table book. Exploring The Black Book becomes a true delight and a must for any fashion enthusiast.However, The Black Book: Fashion, Styles &,amp, Stories is not only a treat for fashion aficionados. Anyone seeking an exceptionally beautiful coffee table book should take a closer look. Because 'Black' captivates with a particularly high-quality visual and tactile experience.This is a book not only to be looked at with pleasure but also to be held, a jewel in any home. For those in search of a uniquely fresh fashion book that creatively engages with current brands and has the potential to become a classic, The Black Book: Fashion, Styles &,amp, Stories is a must-read. Text in English and German.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora teNeues, Heide Christiansen, Martin Fraas
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