Pre-order the honest, compassionate and vital guide to getting
older from Dr Lucy Pollock'The most important book about the second
half of your life you'll ever read. I wish everyone in the UK could
be under Dr Lucy's care, but this is the next best thing' SANDI
TOKSVIG'This warm and compassionate book gets to the heart of older
age. Using stories and accessible explanations, it covers issues of
declining health, quality of life and choices about the things that
matter most' THE BRITISH GERIATRICS SOCIETY____Now more than ever,
we need to talk about getting older.Many of us are living to a very
great age. But how do we give those we love, and eventually
ourselves, long lives that are as happy and healthy as possible?Dr
Lucy's book gives us answers to the questions we can voice - and
those that we can't. A long life should be embraced and celebrated,
but it's not all easy.Yet even the most challenging situation can
be helped by the right conversation. How do we start?* How do we
ask whether it's worth taking seven different medicines?* Is it
normal to find you're falling out of love with someone, as they
disappear into dementia?* Should Dad be driving, and if not, who
can stop him?* What are the secrets of the best care homes?* When
does fierce independence become bad behaviour?* How do you navigate
near-impossible discussions around resuscitation and intensity of
treatments?* And who decides what happens when we become
ill?Serious, funny, kind and knowledgeable, this readable book
helps guide us through essential conversations about getting older
that go straight to the heart of what matters most. ____'Dr Pollock
writes with spirit and empathy, making this an engaging and
thought-provoking read' Sunday Express'Serious, funny, kind and
knowledgeable, this book helps guide us through essential
conversations about issues of getting older' Eastern Daily
Press'Wise, compassionate, well researched and very broad in its
coverage.I've learnt a lot that will help me both as a doctor and a
patient. Thank you' Dr Phil Hammond'Terrific . .. I suggest we all
get a copyof Dr Lucy's book' Evening Standard'Interesting and
engaging . .. The tone throughout is warm and friendly, even as
serious and dark subjects are under discussion. It is an important
book' Irish Times
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy The Book About Getting Older je 12,30 €
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