The Future Leader

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The Future Leader kúpite na
26,13 €
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WINNER OF CMI MANAGEMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR 2021 Are you a future-ready leader? Based on exclusive interviews with over 140 of the world's top CEOs and a survey of nearly 14,000 people. Do you have the right mindsets and skills to be able to lead effectively in the next ten years and beyond? Most individuals and organizations don’t even know what leadership will look like in the future. Until now.There has been a lot written about leadership for the present day, but the world is changing quickly. What worked in the past won’t work in the future. We need to know how to prepare leaders who can successfully navigate and guide us through the next decade and beyond.How is leadership changing, and why? How ready are leaders today for these changes? What should leaders do now?&,nbsp,To answer these questions, Jacob interviewed over 140 CEOs from companies like Unilever, Mastercard, Best Buy, Oracle, Verizon, Kaiser, KPMG, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Yum! Brands, Saint-Gobain, Dominos,&,nbsp,Philip Morris International, and over a hundred others. Jacob also partnered with Linkedin to survey almost 14,000 of their members around the globe to see how CEO insights align with employee perspectives The majority of the world's top business leaders that Jacob interviewed believe that while some core aspects of leadership will remain the same, such as creating a vision and executing on strategy, leaders of the future will need a new arsenal of skills and mindsets to succeed. What emerged from all of this research is the most accurate groundbreaking book on the future of leadership, which shares exclusive insights from the world's top CEOs and never before seen research.After reading it, you will:&,nbsp, Learn the greatest trends impacting the future of leadership and their implicationsUnderstand the top skills and mindsets that leaders of the future will need to possess and how to learn themChange your perception of who a leader is and what leadership meansTackle the greatest challenges that leaders of the future will faceSee the gap that exists between what CEOs identified versus what employees are actually experiencingBecome a future-ready leader This is the book that you, your team, and your organization must read in order to lead in the future of work.
Výber kníh autorov John Wiley & Sons Inc , Jacob Morgan

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora John Wiley & Sons Inc, Jacob Morgan
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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