The Power of Words

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20,85 €
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Discover the transformative power of words and conversations in The Power of Words, the profound and inspiring international bestseller by renowned neuroscientist Mariano Sigman.We have hundreds of conversations every week, offline, online and even in our heads. But have you ever stopped to think about the words you use? The way we describe ourselves and the world around us shapes our decisions, emotions and actions.Mariano Sigman, the world-leading neuroscientist and bestselling author, shows that conversation is one of the most important tools for positive change, better relationships and improved critical thinking. Drawing on extensive research, he demonstrates that our minds are much more malleable than we think, and even the smallest shifts in our language can transform our habits and our perception. By understanding this, we can break free from patterns of limiting beliefs and tackle the disinformation we all face daily.Offering practical guidance based on the latest psychology and neuroscience, this witty and intelligent book urges us to be open to the possibility of our own fallibility. By embracing conversations as a tool for growth, we can learn to communicate better with others and, most crucially, ourselves, giving us a more rewarding and successful life.
Výber kníh autorov Macmillan Business , Mariano Sigman

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Mimi a Líza
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