Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (Novel) Vol. 3 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu,Xiao Tong Kong

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Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (Novel) Vol. 3 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu,Xiao Tong Kong kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
20,85 €
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Krátky popis
The blockbuster danmei/Boys' Love novels from China that inspired the animated Scumbag System series streaming in English! This hilarious story of a man reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel series who ends up romancing the male protagonist is now in English, for the very first time. Half-demon Luo Binghe rose from humble beginnings and a tortured past to become unrivaled in strength and beauty. With his harem of over three hundred wives, and dominion over both the human and demonic realms, he is truly the most powerful protagonist-in a trashy web novel series! At least, that's what Shen Yuan, online alias "Peerless Cucumber," believes as he finishes reading the final chapter in Proud Immortal Demon Way. But when a combination of rage and a poor meal choice leads to his death, Shen Yuan finds himself reborn into the world of the web novel, in the body of Shen Qingqiu-the beautiful but cruel teacher to a young Luo Binghe. Although as Shen Qingqiu, he now has incredible power and abilities as a cultivator, he's destined to be horrifically punished for crimes against the protagonist, so this new Shen Qingqiu has only one course of action: get into Luo Binghe's good graces before the young man's rise to power. That's the only way he'll escape the awful fate of a true scum villain! This Chinese fantasy (xianxia) comedy built around the romanticized love between two men (danmei) has been translated into numerous languages and inspired the animated series Scumbag System, which amassed millions of streaming views--including the English version on YouTube through Tencent Video. As the first novel series by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu to spur a global multimedia franchise, this incredibly fun tale led the way to her future blockbusters in the danmei genre: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation and Heaven Official's Blessing. The Seven Seas English-language edition will include exclusive, all-new covers and interior illustrations from Xiao Tong Kong (Velinxi) and feature a translation by Faelicy (faelicy) & Lily (lily_ocho).
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Scum Villain's Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (Novel) Vol. 3 - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu,Xiao Tong Kong je 20,85 €

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Seven Seas Entertainment

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