Year 2017: the young scholar Lucia Balleani, arranging and
classifying the texts of the library of the Hoenstaufen Foundation,
starts working in the old palace that had been the residence of the
noble Baldeschi-Balleani family, of which she is a direct
descendant. A series of visions linked to what happened to Lucia
Baldeschi, of the same name, will lead the reader to discover with
her an interesting story that took place in the same place 500
years before. During the Renaissance Jesi is rich in art and
culture and where new and sumptuous palaces are built on the ruins
of the ancient Roman city, lives a young countess, Lucia Baldeschi.
The girl is the granddaughter of an evil Cardinal, weaver of
obscure plots aimed at centralizing both temporal and
ecclesiastical power in his own hands. Lucia, a person with a
strong intelligence, becomes friend with a printer, Bernardino,
with whom she share the passion for the rebirth of the arts,
sciences and culture, which are characterizing the period
throughout Italy. She will find herself caught between the duty to
obey her uncle, who made her grow up and educate her in the palace
in the absence of her parents, and the passionate love for Andrea
Franciolini, son of the People's Capitan and designated victim of
the Cardinal's tyranny. The story is also told through the eyes of
Lucia Balleani, a young scholar descendent of the noble family. In
2017, exactly 500 years after the events, she discovered ancient
documents in the family palace, and reconstructed the complex
history of which traces had been lost.
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