China dominates manufacturing and is the world's largest retail
market, but for companies outside of China, finding ways to do
business in the country is increasingly uncertain in the face of
rising US-China tension, combined with China's crackdowns on the
tech and education sectors. Shaun Rein runs the China Market
Research Group and has spent his career helping multinationals
understand where the opportunities are in China. An American who's
lived in Shanghai for 25 years, he has long been one of the biggest
China bulls.He now argues that while China is not a must-go
destination for all companies and investors, there are still many
non-politically sensitive sectors where long-term opportunities can
be sought. The Split analysis the geo-political split between the
US and China, China's sharp turn towards socialism and how this
will cut into fat margins in many sectors. It explains why
corporations in sectors such as semiconductors and AI should stay
clear of China and relocate to other countries like Vietnam, India
and Mexico.Yet principally, Rein makes the case that that fears
about China's shift are far overblown and that for most sectors it
should remain the main growth driver for even the largest
companies. Expert insights into China's national policy reforms,
its rising middle class seeking to save and invest, and their focus
on health and wellness, will inform the international strategic
decisions for companies around the world in sectors such as
finance, consumer goods and auto. China will soon eclipse the
United States as the world's largest economy and companies will
lose out if they do not know how to invest in China properly.No
company has been able to get into China for 3 years. Shaun Rein
hasn't left. He's therefore uniquely positioned to advise now that
China is opening up again.The Split presents a unique and informed
case for why the time is definitely now to capitalize on policy
changes and trends in China that will support long-term
opportunities for your business.
Nový pracovný zošit je zameraný na prípravu na prijímacie pohovory
do prímy z predmetu matematika. Slúžiť môže aj ako doplnkový
pracovný zošit pre piatakov. Vzhľadom na zameranie pracovného
zošita sa v ňom objavujú aj úlohy, ktoré sú nad rámec vzdelávacieho
obsahu 5. ročníka ZŠ (ISCED). Úlohy preverujú nielen vedomosti a
zručnosti, ale aj finančnú a čitateľskú gramotnosť, aplikačné
schopnosti a ďalšie kľúčové kompetencie. Riešenia a vysvetlenia
riešení nie sú súčasťou tohto titulu, ale ich nájdete v samostatnom
titule, ktorý je určený nielen pre učiteľov, ale aj pre rodičov a
starých rodičov, ktorí budú budúcim primánom pomáhať pri príprave
na prijímacie pohovory. Zošity sú zostavené z dvoch častí: 1.časť
obsahuje opakovanie učiva v tematických okruhoch, 2.časť
predstavuje 6 autentických testov, ktoré boli súčasťou prijímacích
konaní na rôznych osemročných gymnáziách. Pracovný zošit prináša
rôzne typy úloh: *otvorené úlohy *úlohy s výberom jednej správnej
odpovede *úlohy s výberom viacerých správnych odpovedí
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