The Ultimate Art Museum

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The Ultimate Art Museum kúpite na
36,05 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Visit the world's greatest museum without leaving your home through this imaginary art museum - a visually spectacular survey of world art for middle-grade readers (aged 8-14 years), curated in collaboration with a global team of experts and educatorsThis imaginary art museum is an educational and inspiring experience without the constraints of space and time. Discover beautiful reproductions from pre-history to the present, arranged in easy-to-navigate, color-coded wings, galleries, and rooms, each with an informative narrative guide. Marvel at its remarkable range of styles and mediums - from classic to contemporary, and from paintings and sculptures to photographs and textiles.With a fold-out museum map and floor plans to follow, and interactive cross-referencing activities, this museum-in-a-book spotlights the iconic and important works and movements in art history and provides the perfect introduction to the history of human creativity. Curated in collaboration with the team of experts and educators behind Phaidon's groundbreaking global bestseller The Art Museum, which won acclaim from the New York Times, The Times, NPR, Vogue, and more - and a starred Library Journal review. Every single piece in this book was selected to illustrate important historical, cultural, and artistic facts, not only in order to give children a comprehensive foundation in world art history, but to also share with them the idea that art history is a culmination of 40,000 years of people sharing themes, ideas, techniques and incredible creativity across time and space.With its lavish page size and over 300 wonderfully diverse artworks, this book is the ultimate resource for all art-hungry children and their parents.
Výber kníh autorov Phaidon Press Ltd , Gipson Ferren

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Phaidon Press Ltd, Gipson Ferren
Výber kníh vydavateľa Phaidon

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