Think Faster, Talk Smarter

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14,20 €
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Krátky popis
Stanford University lecturer and host of the #1 business podcast Think Fast, Talk Smart, Matt Abrahams, reveals the secrets to cutting through the anxiety and finding the right words – when it counts. 'Filled with practical, tactical advice, this book is indispensable' – Kim Scott, bestselling author of Radical Candor Communication is crucial to success in life and business. However, it is not just big speeches that matter: it is also those critical, spur-of-the-moment situations for which we cannot prepare.A prospective client asking unexpected questions during a sales pitch, a teacher singling you out for an answer during a class, a high-pressure meeting with senior executives at work, or even a heartwarming toast to deliver on the spot. All are fraught scenarios that might cause you to freeze up. The pandemic has only boosted this fear, by stripping the spontaneity from communication during lockdown, and then changing the communication landscape.In this invaluable guide, Matt Abrahams – Stanford University lecturer and creator of the hit podcast, Think Fast, Talk Smart – provides a six-point methodology that will enable you to manage these stressful, impromptu circumstances to create and deliver crisp, compelling and calm communication. Think Faster, Talk Smarter is an energetic, engaging resource for anyone who wants to speak out, spread their ideas, and ultimately share their story. 'Exceptional' – Tony Faddell, inventor of the iPod, co-creator of the iPhone, and internationally bestselling author of BuildThink Fast, Talk Smart was #1 on Apple Podcasts in the Careers genre, from 03.04.2023 - 05.04.2023 and later dates.
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Think Faster, Talk Smarter je 16,58 €

Výber kníh autorov Pan Macmillan , Abrahams Matt

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