Tim Burton

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Tim Burton kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
35,10 €
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This new and updated edition covers the full life's work of iconic director Tim Burton, including the Netflix phenomenon Wednesday and the start of development on Beetlejuice 2. &,nbsp, Tim Burton is one of the most popular and remarkable filmmakers of the last 30 years, being responsible for such films as Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride and Alice in Wonderland. He is famed for the visually arresting style of his films combined with highly original storylines.&,nbsp, A truly international filmmaker, Tim Burton has carved a reputation as one of the world's greatest creative directors. This stunning treasury explores the influences on his development as a filmmaker and assesses how he has captured the fruits of his imagination on screen. &,nbsp, Illustrated with many behind-the-scenes photographs and stunning film stills, chapters analyse the success and style of films such as Beetlejuice, Ed Wood and Mars Attacks!, and examine how Burton breathed new life into well-known stories that include Batman, Planet of the Apes,Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,Alice Through the Looking Glass and Dumbo.&,nbsp,Tim Burton: The Iconic Filmmaker and His Work is a must for anyone who enjoys the creativity of films and is a fitting appreciation of one of Hollywood’s most dynamic movie directors. It takes you through his films, explaining how he got to where he is and why his films are so revered.
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Výber kníh autorov Ian Nathan , Quarto Publishing PLC

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