'Tim Shipman's dispatches from the political front line are a must
read’ NICK ROBINSON Politics was turned upside down during 2016.
This book by Sunday Times political editor Tim Shipman is the first
to tell the full story of how and why Britain voted to leave the
European Union and how the vote shattered the political status quo.
Based on unrivalled access to all the key politicians and their
advisors – including Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, George Osborne,
Nigel Farage and Dominic Cummings, the mastermind of Vote Leave –
Shipman has written a political history that reads like a thriller,
and offers a gripping, day-by-day account of what really happened
behind-the-scenes in Downing Street, both Leave campaigns, the
Labour Party, Ukip and Britain Stronger in Europe. Shipman gives
his readers a ringside seat on how decisions were made, mistakes
justified and betrayals perpetrated. Filled with stories, anecdotes
and juicy leaks the book does not seek to address the rights and
wrongs of Brexit but to explore how and why David Cameron chose to
take the biggest political gamble of his life and explain why he
lost. This is a story of calculation, attempted coups, individuals
torn between principles and loyalty. All the events are here – from
David Cameron’s pledge to hold a referendum, through to the
campaign itself, his resignation as prime minister, the betrayals
and rivalries that occurred during the race to find his successor
to the arrival of Theresa May in Downing Street as Britain’s second
female prime minister. All Out War is a book about leaders and
their closest aides, the decisions they make and how and why they
make them, as well as how they feel when they turn out to be wrong.
It is about men who make decisions that are intellectually
consistent and – by their own measure – morally sound that are
simultaneously disastrous for themselves and those closest to them.
It is about how doing what you know has worked before doesn’t
always work again. Most of all it is about asking the question: how
far are you prepared to go to win?
Nový pracovný zošit je zameraný na prípravu na prijímacie pohovory
do prímy z predmetu matematika. Slúžiť môže aj ako doplnkový
pracovný zošit pre piatakov. Vzhľadom na zameranie pracovného
zošita sa v ňom objavujú aj úlohy, ktoré sú nad rámec vzdelávacieho
obsahu 5. ročníka ZŠ (ISCED). Úlohy preverujú nielen vedomosti a
zručnosti, ale aj finančnú a čitateľskú gramotnosť, aplikačné
schopnosti a ďalšie kľúčové kompetencie. Riešenia a vysvetlenia
riešení nie sú súčasťou tohto titulu, ale ich nájdete v samostatnom
titule, ktorý je určený nielen pre učiteľov, ale aj pre rodičov a
starých rodičov, ktorí budú budúcim primánom pomáhať pri príprave
na prijímacie pohovory. Zošity sú zostavené z dvoch častí: 1.časť
obsahuje opakovanie učiva v tematických okruhoch, 2.časť
predstavuje 6 autentických testov, ktoré boli súčasťou prijímacích
konaní na rôznych osemročných gymnáziách. Pracovný zošit prináša
rôzne typy úloh: *otvorené úlohy *úlohy s výberom jednej správnej
odpovede *úlohy s výberom viacerých správnych odpovedí
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