Michel Bettane and Thierry Dessauve, the French experts on French
wine, have co-edited the ",Revue du Vin de France", for almost 20
years. Well known all over the world by wine professionals and
consumers alike, Bettane and Desseauve now bring their expertise to
the English-speaking market in their encyclopedic book ",The
Definitive Guide to French Wine",. This comprehensive guide is
organized by region, including not only such celebrated areas as
Burgundy and Champagne, but also lesser-known wine-making provinces
like Languedoc and Jura. Within each chapter, a complete picture of
the region is presented through maps, entries for individual
wineries, detailed information about their wines (including
ratings), and 'best of' lists. Written in clear, user-friendly
language, the guide is accessible even to those who are wine
novices. Whether you're looking to stock your cellar, discover
today's prize-winning, must-have wines, learn about a particular
region, or expand your wine-tasting horizons, ",The Definitive
Guide to French Wine", is the oenophile's ideal companion.
Piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej tínedžerskej fantasy ságy
súčasnosti. Prečítajte a podľahnite sérii Trón zo skla tak ako
milióny čitateľov po celom svete! Dlhá cesta na trón sa pre Aelin
Galathynius ešte len začala. Prisahala však, že sa svojmu
kráľovstvu už nikdy neotočí chrbtom. Hlavne, ak je jediná, kto
dokáže zostaviť armádu proti Temnému kráľovi a jeho beštiám. No
Erawan neohrozuje Aelin len svojím vojskom, ale aj tieňmi z jej
minulosti, bývalými spojencami a nepriateľmi. Na obzore sa však
črtá vojna nebývalých rozmerov a Aelin sa musí rozhodnúť, koho a čo
obetuje, aby zachránila svoj svet pred úplným zničením.
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