Song of Significance

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27,50 €
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An urgent manifesto for teams and leaders facing unprecedented challenges, from the bestselling author of Linchpin and Tribes What if we could create the best job someone ever had? What if we had that job? The workplace has undergone a massive shift. Remote work and economic instability have depressed innovation and left us disconnected and disengaged. Paychecks no longer buy loyalty, happiness, and effort. Alarmed managers are responding with harsh top-down edicts, layoffs, surveillance and mandatory meetings. Workers are responding by quiet quitting and working their wage. There is a better answer, a human answer, and it is within everyone’s reach. In The Song of Significance, legendary author and business thinker Seth Godin brings us a powerful vision of how we can change the course. The choice is simple: either we keep treating people as disposable, and join in the AI-fueled race to the bottom—or we come together to build a&,nbsp,significant&,nbsp,organization that enrolls, empowers, and trusts everyone to deliver their best work, no matter where they are. In Godin's signature style, the book outlines a series of practical yet game-changing commitments we must make, and a list of organizational milestones on the way to significance. This is a book to share with bosses and co-workers, to discuss and put to action. We have a choice to make about how we spend our days, and it’s within our power to make things better – for everyone. Because as Godin writes, “Humans aren’t a resource. They are the point.”About the Author Seth Godin is the author of 21 international bestsellers that have changed the way people think about work. His books have been translated into 38 languages.&,nbsp,Godin writes one of the most popular marketing blogs in the world, and two of his TED talks are among the most popular of all time. He is the founder of the altMBA, the social media pioneer Squidoo, and Yoyodyne, one of the first internet companies. Find out more at
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