The Anatomy of Grief

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18,00 €
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Krátky popis
An original, authoritative guide to the impact of grief on the brain, the heart, and the body of the bereaved ",Dorothy Holinger's exploration of the contours of grief is wise, moving, thought-provoking, and, best of all, extraordinarily helpful. Beautifully written and humane, it is a balm for the bereaved.",-Barry Bearak, Pulitzer Prize winner for international reporting ",What's central for Holinger is that turning feeling into words, and giving voice to buried emotions, acts to release tension. She is a passionate advocate for language as healer.",-Clair Wills, New York Review of Books Grief happens to everyone.Universal and enveloping, grief cannot be ignored or denied. This original new book by psychologist Dorothy P. Holinger uses humanistic and physiological approaches to describe grief's impact on the bereaved.Taking examples from literature, music, poetry, paleoarchaeology, personal experience, memoirs, and patient narratives, Holinger describes what happens in the brain, the heart, and the body of the bereaved. Readers will learn what grief is like after a loved one dies: how language and clarity of thought become elusive, why life feels empty, why grief surges and ebbs so persistently, and why the bereaved cry. Resting on a scientific foundation, this literary book shows the bereaved how to move through the grieving process and how understanding grief in deeper, more multidimensional ways can help quell this sorrow and allow life to be lived again with joy.Visit the author's companion website for The Anatomy of Grief:
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Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Holinger Dorothy P., Yale University Press
Výber kníh vydavateľa Yale University

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Yale University
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