This Summer Will Be Different

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12,30 €
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A glorious and tantalising new escape from #1 New York Times bestselling author of EVERY SUMMER AFTER and MEET ME AT THE LAKE, Carley Fortune. This summer they’ll keep their promise. This summer they won't give into temptation. This summer will be different.The first time Lucy and Felix met she was on vacation on Prince Edward Island. And a tour of the beaches wasn’t the only thing he showed her. But when she discovered his true identity as her best friend, Bridget’s brother, their electric night should have become a distant memory . . . Each year with Lucy and Bridget’s return for a summer escape, she promises herself she won’t end up in Felix’s arms, but it’s easier said than done. Not this year though. This year it will be different. With Bridget facing the biggest crisis of her life, Lucy must join her for one last trip to the island. But Felix’s sparkling eyes and flirty quips have been replaced with something new, something more and Lucy’s beginning to wonder just how safe her heart truly is.PRAISE FOR CARLEY FORTUNE:",Radiant", Emily Henry",What a dreamy and sexy summer novel. Carley Fortune knows how to tug at your heart.", Kiley Reid, New York Times bestselling author of Such a Fun Age and Come and Get It",This Summer Will Be Different is a deep and shimmering story of friendship, sex, and-- most of all-- love. . . Be prepared to cry, swoon, ache, and cheer. Stunning",Jennifer Niven, #1 New York Times bestselling author of All the Bright Places",Clear your calendar and buckle up--this one will leave you breathless.", Annabel Monaghan, bestselling author of This Time Next Summer",A sweet story about second chances, and how the future we imagine for ourselves is never quite what it turns out to", Jodi Picoult on Meet Me at the Lake
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