Total Control

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Total Control kúpite na
13,25 €
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Krátky popis
Set in the cold-blooded world of high-tech espionage, Total Control was David Baldacci's enthralling second novel. It became a New York Times bestseller, cementing Baldacci as a worldwide bestselling author of non-stop action fiction. With an exclusive new introduction from the author.'Baldacci is the master of American detective stories' - Jeffrey Archer *****Total control. You’ll kill to keep it . .. A RISING STAR. Jason Archer is a young executive at a world-leading technology conglomerate.Determined to give his wife and daughter the best of everything, he enters into a deadly game of cat and mouse. A GRIEVING WIDOW. When a plane plummets into the Virginia countryside, Sidney Archer is devastated by the loss of her husband.But then she learns the job interview Jason was flying to never existed, and everything changes. Suddenly there is no one she can trust. A RACE FOR THE TRUTH.A suspicious air crash investigation team, a tenacious veteran FBI agent and the threads of a sinister plot all beg the question: what really happened to Jason Archer?Perfect for fans of the Atlee Pine series, Total Control is a breathtaking thrill ride of non-stop action and suspense from international bestselling author David Baldacci. *****KILLER TWISTS. HEROES TO BELIEVE IN.TRUST BALDACCI. 'One of the world's thriller masters' – Daily Mail'Baldacci is still peerless' – Sunday Times'One of the all-time best thriller authors' – Lisa Gardner, author of One Step Too Far 'Baldacci delivers, every time!' – Lisa Scottoline, author of What Happened to the Bennetts 'A master storyteller' – Associated Press'Baldacci cuts everyone's grass – Grisham's, Ludlum's, even Patricia Cornwell's – and more than gets away with it' – People
Výber kníh autorov David Baldacci , Pan Macmillan

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora David Baldacci, Pan Macmillan
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Slovart
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Malý princ s autorovými kresbami, 14.vyd.
Pôvabná knižka nielen pre deti, ale pre všetkých, ktorí chcú deťom porozumieť. Toto dielko dosiahlo svetový úspech a patrí do zlatého fondu svetovej literatúry. Jeho hodnota a krása nespočíva len v peknom rozprávkovom príbehu, ale hlavne v myšlienkach, ktoré ako vzácne kamienky vytvárajú obraz ľudských vlastností... Saint-Exupéry svoju knižku s čistým detským pohľadom na svet venoval najlepšiemu priateľovi. Veď všetci dospelí boli najprv deťmi. Ale máloktorý z nich sa na to pamätá.