What I Wish I'd Known When I Was Young

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What I Wish I'd Known When I Was Young kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
14,20 €
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Krátky popis
'A superb study ... brilliant stories, hilarious observations and jaw dropping revelations about so many figures in public life we thought we knew - but never understood' EMILY MAITLIS Loss and adversity are part of the human condition, but an imperfect past isn't always an indicator of what's to come. This book traces a pattern: why is it that often the people with the hardest beginnings in life - children who experience displacement, disease, financial ruin, abandonment or bereavement - become the most successful adults? And is there something to learn from those people, who perhaps have the strongest sense of what matters most? Of Britain's fifty-five prime ministers, twenty-five lost one or both of their parents as a child and 69 per cent suffered some form of serious childhood trauma.For their acclaimed podcast Past Imperfect, Thomson and Sylvester spoke to some such prime ministers, as well as pioneers and poets, CEOs and chefs, actors and archbishops, sports stars and Nobel prize-winning scientists. How did Richard Branson overcome severe dyslexia? How did Daphne Park, born in lonely, rural Tanzania, become one of Britain's top spies? How was diver Tom Daley driven on to win an Olympic gold medal by being bullied at school and his father's early death? This book brings together psychological research with scores of intimate, fascinating interviews. The resulting narrative is full of hope, and might help us all towards a better understanding of resilience, motivation, perspective and courage.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora William Collins, Rachel Sylvester, Alice Thomson
Výber kníh vydavateľa William Collins

Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa William Collins
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Mimi a Líza
Svet je veľmi zaujímavé miesto, farebné, zvláštne jedinečné a stále sa v ňom niečo deje. Lenže Mimi to nevidí, nemôže, žije totiž vo svete za zavretými očami. Ale nemusíte sa o ňu báť, nie je vôbec smutná. Má totiž kamarátku Lízu. Tá je jej očami. Dievčatá spolu prežívajú dobrodružstvá ako všetky ostatné deti. Spoznávajú susedov, učia sa čo je čo, čo môžu, a čo sa nepatrí. Sú nerozlučné priateľky a vytvorili si vlastný svet, kde zrak vôbec nie je dôležitý. Knižka vznikla podľa seriálu Mimi a Líza, ktorý odvysielala RTVS v roku 2013.